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Founder & owner of MakeMePreety - Preety 

Preety Cahannac MakeMePreety

Meet Preety - an expert in her field and the Beauty Industry

Welcome to MakeMePreety! Firstly I would like to thank you for visiting my site, I really appreciate your interest and I hope to welcome you to my Beauty Treatment Clinic in the near future!
I have been in the beauty industry since I was 18, that is roughly 19 years! 
I have independently invested in my business, I have built this incredible business from the ground up with no help, this is why my strength to push forward through the hard times can never be altered.
I have invested in the highest education and training to ensure the best results for our clients, in turn we are able to offer the highest standards and results in treatments. We have built up an enviable reputation since 2014, we pride ourselves on our commitment to provide a professional service which focuses particularly on attention to detail, your desires with our expertise will give you the results which will make you look and feel your best!

Preety Cahannac an expert in the beauty industry

Preety's Qualifications & Certificates

Preety Cahannac qualifications
uxbridge college nvq beauty therapy
Preety Cahannac Aet level 3

Qualifications and Certificates, know the difference? Read on to find out more!
It is very rare to find qualified therapist's these days, most people have a get rich quick mentality, they go on one day courses, gain certificates and the next day they are free to carry out invasive procedures on people. I believe this breeds unsafe practice and devalues the industry! It's very sad to see the industry going this way, especially when it comes to invasive services.
That being said, it's completely up to you who you choose but it is also important to think about the in depth knowledge that someone who has studied for years might have over someone who has taken a day course and gained a certificate.
To steer safe practice and raise standards, my promise to you is that I will only advocate for qualified therapists in the MakeMePreety, Beauty Treatment Clinic. For me the beauty industry is my home and where my heart is, there must be a deeper understanding and passion in it, and for it, to deliver outstanding customer service and results.
Qualifications I hold -

Level 2 NVQ  in Beauty Therapy General with Evolve-1 year course - Approx 960 hours

  • Ensure responsibility for actions to reduce risks to health and safety

  •  Provide facial skincare treatment 

  • Enhance the appearance of eyebrows and lashes

  • Carry out waxing services

  • Provide make-up services

  • Fulfill salon reception duties

  • Promote additional services or product to client

  • Develop and maintain your effectiveness at work

  • Provide manicure services

  • Provide pedicure services

  • Anatomy and Physiology, functions, bones, muscles, veins, arteries FOR EACH UNIT

VTCT Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy General - 1 year course Approx 960 hours

  • Monitor procedure to safely control work operations

  • Contribute to planning and implementation of promotional activities

  • Provide body electrical treatments (Vacuum suction, Micro current, Galvanic / Faradic, Microdermabrasion)

  • Provide facial electrical treatments (Vacuum suction, Micro current, Galvanic / Faradic, Microdermabrasion)

  • Provide body massage treatments

  • Provide electrical epilation treatments

  • Provide stone therapy treatments

  • In depth Anatomy and Physiology for face and body systems, bones, muscles, veins, arteries FOR EACH UNIT

  • Health and safety in the salon

  • Client care and consultation 

Level 4 Beauty - HEE (Health Education England) JCCP  (Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners) Related Qualification-
In Depth Anatomy & Physiology for needle work - Includes safe practice, in depth consultation, informed consent,  disposal and storage of needles, sterilisation of tools, cleaning salon furniture, floors, walls and equipment, sanitise yourself and the client, using disposables, minimising cross contamination, abiding by the councils rules and law, and learning in depth about insurance policies 

2024 – Award in Education & Training (AET) Level 3
• Teaching Roles, Responsibilities and Boundaries
• Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Practice
• Maintaining a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
• Equality, Diversity and Meeting Students Needs
• Module 1 Assessment
• Assessment Types
• Assessment Methods
• Involving Learners and Others in the Assessment Process
• Making Assessment Decisions and Providing Feedback
• Records of Assessment
• Module 2 Assessment
• Inclusive Teaching and Learning
• Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches
• Induction, Icebreakers and Ground rules
• Engaging and Motivating Learners
• Providing Opportunities for English, Maths, ICT and Wider Skills
• Self-evaluation and Continuing Professional Development
• Module 3 Assessment – Assignment and Micro Teach

Certificates acquired -

  • Eyelash Extensions

  • Nouveau LVL Lash Lift

  • Semi-Permanent Make-Up Diploma with Level 4 for Eyebrows, Lipliner & Blush and Eyeliner

  • MesoTherapy Facial Needling with Peel

  • Million Dollar Platinum Technician with Level 4 (in depth A & P)

  • Dermal Lip Filler with A&P 

  • Botulinum Toxin with A&P 

Acquired over the course of my 18+ year career

My Philosophy 

My aim is to listen, offer my guidance & with my expertise, agree on a result that you will be happy with. 
Every single client is different and unique, my service is personal and treatments are all based on your individual needs 

Preety Cahannac philosophy
Makemepreety clinic home visits

Luxury Beauty Services to your door

I offer out of salon visits, we have clients in Kensington, Gerrards Cross & Chalfont St Giles to name a few

I am experienced in travelling to and from clients homes / offices and then carrying out treatments to a very high standard
I have experience with business women, couples, families, the elderly, hospital visits, professionals, high profile clients and vip's.
Discretion is something I pride myself on
I have a lovely salon based in the Uxbridge City Center, which means I'm completely flexible, I offer home visits so you are able to save time, gain convenience and be pampered in the comfort of your own home

A canvas I made using makeup, rice, seeds, string and glitter whilst studying at Uxbridge College, showing all the layers of the skin

layers of the skin

Uxbridge College Beauty Course - End of year beauty show where the theme was haunted China dolls, I created both these looks!

china doll fancy dress makeup

Being chosen as a Gifted and Talented student. We were given the task of setting up a pop up salon in the foyer of Brunel University where we carried out treatments on students and teachers!

Brunel University

I was asked to go back to Uxbridge College to give a powerpoint presentation to NVQ level 2 & 3 Beauty students on my career! I provided a live training demo for the application of Eyelash Extensions. 

This was 4 years after being Qualified and starting my own business, one of the highlights of my career to date!

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