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MakeMePreety Uxbridge
Permanent Eyebrows
MakeMePreety Uxbridge Beauty Treatment Clinic
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Natural Hair Strokes
Nano Eyebrows
What is Hair Stroke Brows?
This treatment is performed with a machine using a needle, similar to a tattoo but the depth in which the needle penetrates the skin is very different as we do not go as deep as a tattoo, the aim is to mimic and perfect the thickness and shape of the eyebrows

What is Micro Hair Stroke Brows that give you the microbladed look?
This treatment is also performed with a machine however the needle that is used is a Micro needle, therefore we are able to mimic the actual hair, shape and thickness of microbladed eyebrows
Why not microblading?
It comes down to personal preference, I was trained using the machine, I did want to train using the microblade however I found that a lot of my clients who had previously had microblading carried out, it had left them with some scar tissue, this means that over time the area can no longer be worked on, machine brows tend to be less painful, heals better and when you come back for a top up the tissue is not damaged, when I started using the nano needle there was no real need for microblading either as we can achieve similar results with less trauma to the skin

How long does Permanent Eyebrows last?
The pigments last in the skin roughly 5 years as the body's immune system breaks it down over time however this is a rough guide as everyone has different immune systems.
A colour refresh is recommended after 12 -18 months, some clients may be able to go a lot longer as high performing pigments are used- Tina Davis Permablend
What can I expect on the day of my Permanent Eyebrows appointment?
I will measure your brows, draw on a shape, we will perfect the brows together and agree on the shape and size together, once we have agreed on this i will then apply a topical numbing cream to your brows, then we will discuss what needle you would like to use, we will then discuss and agree on a colour, I would always recommend a lighter colour as we can always go darker on your top up appointment, once we have agreed on everything, I will then start the procedure, this usually takes about 1.5 hours, once we are finished you will be able to look at your brows, they will appear darker and thicker than you might have thought and this is because they are so fresh, you will need to be patient and wait the full 6 weeks of healing, we will be able to make tweeks at this session

What should I do before & after my Permanent Eyebrow procedure?
No exercise 48 hours before or after your treatment, you want to avoid sweating as all costs, no alcohol, ibuprofen or blood thinning medications, you must avoid getting them wet for 2 weeks, a lot of my clients order snorkels so they can wash their hair in peace, you will be given an ointment that will need to be applied to the area until the ointment is finished, you must not wear makeup on or around the area until it is fully healed
MakeMePreety Nano | Micro Hairstroke Eyebrow Pricing
Hair Stroke Brows are suitable for more skin types and with the greatest longevity / colour retention whilst still achieving a super fine realistic finish - Pigment lasts roughly 5 years although top ups are recommended every 12 - 18 month
Permanent Nano Hair Stroke Eyebrows - Microbladed look *POPULAR*
For this treatment a Micro needle is used so you get more of a Microbladed Brow, this is for clients who want a very natural look, perfect for ALL skin types -Pigment lasts roughly 5 years although top ups are recommended every 12 - 18 month
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